Monday, February 26, 2007

YUM rats at Taco Bell

Intro: Rammstein music for the Dallas Infomart gym that is about to open. Cooper Union home of the historic Lincoln-Douglas debate on Wednesday Feb 28th Will host Newt Gingrich and Mario Cuomo. Everyone hates Microsoft (MSFT) Why is that? Im digging my Zune and have my eyes set on an Xbox. Trouble with the mp3s and a law suit with Actel (ACTL) Microsoft will be introducing IPTV in Europe next month. Clear Wire (CLWR) will be going public the Wi-Max play. Yum brands (YUM) wants the Pope to bell its fish sandwich. Dr J Countrywide (CFC) March 40 puts. (STM) April 20 calls. (NTAP) June 40 puts. (ALTR) June 22 ½. This and more LIVE on CoffeyGrinds at 9am Listen to the podcast.

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