Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Intro: Fergie: Glamorous video is chock full of product placements. Phil Davis joins us to talk about oil inventories and give us some ideas. Carl Ichan lays down wood at Blockbuster (BBI) and Temple Insland (TIN) Claudia Shank JP Morgan mentions MeadWestvaco (MWV) has similar timber assets with a attractive sum of the parts valuations. To all you French haters out there Total (TOT) CEO Thierry Desmarest still wants to keep working with Iran on a Persian Gulf gas project until there is an international ban on doing business with it. Dr J gives an eye opener on the T3 pipes that deliver quote data. A must listen if you are trader. Honeywell (HON) March 47 ½ puts Home Depot (HD) puts Cooper Tire (CTB) March 15 calls. Listen to the podcast or LIVE

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